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German voice over Meina Kentner

german voice over

Voice over home studio

with home studio

Native German voice-over: Great voice with own home studio!

Voiceover Meina Kentner
The German Connection is Meina Kentner, a highly experienced German voice-over, native speaker (High German), with her own studio and truly German working methods! - thorough, accurate, creative, flexible (the latter may not be typically German, but are true nonetheless!), reliable, helpful and client-friendly.
The foremost aim of The German Connection is to professionalize communication with the German market through:
  • the right tone
  • the right sound
  • translations delivering not only an exact rendition of the original English or Dutch text, but a true, stand-alone German text, with an eye for German culture and current language use and vocabulary.
The German Connection, Meina Kentner:
  • the right tone
  • the right sound
  • creative thinking
  • translations
  • text-editing
  • represents other voices
  • the right tone for today’s German market
Download my sound clips here:


Phone Message:




More clips can be found on my soundcloud:
Beside doing voice-overs, The German Connection offers:

Beside doing german voice-overs, The German Connection offers:


Recordings in home studio, in all current formats, bit rates and khz settings, delivered via file delivery or from own server.

Text editing

Can be required where provided translation is not suitable as spoken text


As required: full editing or as pre-editing (cleaned, but including breath).

Representing other voices

I represent other voices too: German voices, Dutch colleagues and international voices. Also German children’s and older voices.


From English or Dutch into German. Special skills: see service page!


Mainly In German culture, to help clients find the right approach to the German market.

The German Connection, Meina Kentner: the right German tone

A warm, friendly voice with an exceptionally broad range in vocal age and tone: 16 – 70. And yes: a natural, young, dynamic sound is still in my repertoire! I’m an all-round voice over, which means I can handle all genres of text with an equally appropriate tone and interpretation: corporate films, commercials. documentaries, lip-sync, guided tours, e-learning and all sorts of characters (e.g. for cartoon films).
Trained in singing, dance and acting at the Akademie voor Kleinkunst in Amsterdam (now Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Cabaret Faculty) and graduated as theatre-maker. Discovered as voice by Jaap Brand (broadcaster, presenter, presentation-trainer for Dutch TV company VARA and the Sandbergen Media Akademie) during a radio presentation workshop and further developed during extensive practical experience in three countries: The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. These logos below belong to a selection from my list of clients (to drop a few names), though my most demanding projects may have come from other clients.
My repertoire of German accents includes: Cologne, Berlin, Bavaria, Hesse, Hamburg and Vienna.
I can speak German with accents from: The Netherlands, France, Italy, Turkey, Russia and Austria.
‘Can you do Dutch too’?
Yes, I can, for commercials and dialogues! I prefer to leave documentaries or longer corporate films to my much valued native Dutch colleagues. (But incidentally - an Amsterdam accent is no problem!)

For a good German sound:

The German Connection
Sonja Heniepad 4
1034 WC Amsterdam

Chamber of commerce
Contact details

Skype: meinamedial
Opening hours
Closed on weekends

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